A video discussion of the Melaleuca company.
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FES Business Opportunity attracts Pastors (FINANCIAL EDUCATION SERVICES)

Financial Education Services
Today there is a problem that affects millions of people in church congregations around the country; BAD CREDIT. Because of circumstances beyond their control, many people have acquired negative credit profiles that have put them in financial distress.

Financial Education Services and our partner, United Credit Education Services, have developed a process by which we work with consumers to research outdated, inaccurate and unverifiable information on their credit reports. This service has the potential to help many of your parishioners improve the quality of their lives. We realize that churches are powerful organizations that can reach people from all walks of life and that many church leaders are doing great work in communities nationwide.

Please allow me to give a couple of brief examples of how implementing a solid credit restoration program can benefit both the church and its parishioners. We realize that over 60% of church members may not be able to pay tithes and offerings on a regular basis because of overwhelming consumer debt caused by higher than average interest rates on their house, car, etc. By going through our program, that same person can improve their credit profile in 3 to 12 months and qualify for lower interest rates. This will reduce their monthly expenses, giving them more disposable income and the opportunity to reduce other debt, invest and to increase tithes and offerings.

We believe we are creating a financial ministry and that eliminating credit problems allows motivated, hard working people to achieve financial freedom. WE ARE KINGDOM BUILDERS AND IMPACTING THE KINGDOM IN A MAJOR WAY!!

Feel free to contact me with any questions or to discuss the process in detail. I can be reached at 404-618-5380
PHONE: 404-618-5380